Khamis, 19 November 2009


Aq rase malaz la nk citer smbungan yang lepas
agpun kteowg bertiga sudah berbaek2 spt biasaa
soo, lpekn je keyh !

Khamis, 17 September 2009

hyep3 ! ari nie ari last aq sklh coz smggu cty rye

ari ni dlm kre2 11pg tlh dibenarkn pulang awl

so aq lepak kt sklh smpaila kowl 2ptg

pastu aq n member ku yg len g rmh member ku len

hehe ! pe aq merapuu nie !

kteorg wt keje2 folio untuk di hntr lps cty

pastu bkkla ms skli

haha !

lepak punyer lepak da kowl 6ptg

oOhh tidakk !

balek balek da dkt berbuka

kne dgr bebel la...


Rabu, 16 September 2009


mule2 tuh mmg da rancang dah tanok datang
but but cekgu kte wjb sume pelajar dtg
lgpn da byr da pn the yuran
program tuh kaedah mokhdar
u know soO bored !!
da la ta faham
saba je laa...

ta dpat ku menahan perasaanku
tukk blah dr snee
apabela suda smpai kepuncak
aku dn kwn2ku yg sengal dn sangap itu mbuat konsert
di belakang dewan
kami mnyanyi lgu2 rye n others
haha sumpahh kelakar dowh !

tis prog for two days
aku x dtg ari yg kedua
cekgu kte spe ta dtg kne denda
nk taw denda ape ??
lu piki r sndiri en en...
soO tggu my denda la bukak sek nty

Sabtu, 12 September 2009


its all begin with coupons! Huo-da ~ Jia-di ~ Huo-yan(tuan muda jahat) ~ (si kolot taiwan) ~ (lelaki ke-10) WHY WHY LOVE

Cast : Rainie Yang, Mike He, KingOne WangOfficial English Title : Why Why LoveProducer : Comic RitzFormerly known as : EXCHANGE LOVEOfficial Websites : comitc-ritz, gtv, cts

Rainie's character as Tong Jia Di :
Romance is never in her agenda. Jia Di's dreams shattered when her father passed away when she was young, leaving her behind with her grumpy mother, a spendthrift and good for nothing brother and a uncle who gives her nothing but trouble. Jai Di's concern is to think of all means and ways to make more money to improve their living condition. Jia Di works as a part-time in a mega mart to satisfy her small girl fantasy of being surrounded by pretty dresses and stuff. Heaven has played a joke on Jia Di, giving her two men, Huo Da (Mike) and Huo Yan (KingOne), a devil and a prince charming. But no matter who she chooses, a poor girl can never match up to a prince living in different worlds.

* Name: 楊丞琳 / 杨丞琳 / Yang Cheng Lin
* English name: Rainie Yang
* Also known as: Ah Lin / Lin Lin / Xiao Cheng Lin / Cheng Lin / Yeung Sing Lam / Lily
* Birthdate: 1984-June-04
* Birthplace: Taipei, Taiwan
* Profession: Actress, Singer, Host
* Height: 162cm
* Weight: 42kg
* Star Sign: Gemini
* Blood type: A

Mike's character as Huo Da :
22 years old. The second son of the Huo's empire. In the eyes of the outsiders, he is wilful, bad tempered and self-centred, an extreme from his half brother, Huo Yan. Don't be too happy if he smiles at you, he is definitely up to no good. However, he does have his soft spots, a childhood friend Yan Shu, who he has been liking since young. Yan Shu however has eyes only for Huo Yan and never really pays attention to him. Huo Da has developed hard feelings when his mother had to bring the mistress' son Huo Yan back to the Huo family and felt his father had betrayed them. His mother passed away shortly suffering from depression. Huo Da never knew what is sympathy and caring until Jia Di comes along.

* Name: 賀軍翔 (贺军翔) / He Jun Xiang
* English name: Mike He
* Also known as: 賀小美 / He Xiao Mei
* Profession: Actor and model
* Birthdate: 1983-Dec-28* Birthplace: Taiwan
* Height: 180cm
* Weight: 66kg
* Star sign: Capricorn
* Blood type: B

KingOne's character as Huo Yan :

24 years old. The eldest son of the Huo's empire. Charming, polite and capable is what others view of him, especially so in comparison to his devilrish half-brother. Eveyone thinks that he should naturally be the successor to the Huo empire and he has everything he wants. But he knows very well in his heart where he stands, that he is just the mistress' son, he is brought to the Huo after Hua Da's mother has paid a handsome sum to his mother in exchange for him.He works harder to gain recognition so that people doesn't look down on him. He has never wanted anything for himself in his life, all he ask for is to play his part well until he meets Jia Di. A girl he would never thought to have anything with came into his life, for the very first time, he had something he wished to fight for.

* Name: 王傳一 / Wang Chuan Yi
* English name: Kingone Wang
* Profession: Actor and singer
* Birthdate: 1980-May-05
* Height: 180cm
* Weight: 71kg
* Blood type: O
* Star sign: Taurus

bez ngeK !
kowl 3pm isnin-jumaat
tgk auw auw !!

Khamis, 27 Ogos 2009

puasa !

selamat berpuasa aq ucapkan walaupun

agak terlewat

pose penuh taw ! :)

Khamis, 20 Ogos 2009


Inteam adalah salah sebuah
kump nasyid yg aq minat selain unic,hijjaz n lain2....
ary 2 mereka dtg kt sek aq tuk bri motivasi
di samping wt show
wah !! mmg bez la...:)

Jumaat, 31 Julai 2009

english day

wah lmew betol aq x isi
d blog ini
well, aq da jarang on9 n
teramatt laa busy:)

ary nie de english day at skool
form4 handle
aq jd protokol
wahh byk gax tugas d buat
tp mmg bez la
de dak2 wt lawakk lak.duyaii.
kwn aq winner in spell it rite
thnia !:)

tp aq agk bengang pg tuhh
si emcess 2 la
erggh !
ssh btl nk discuss dgn dy
kne ikowt his step je
so sick !
but his my good listener:)

Khamis, 18 Jun 2009

PWTC (pesta buku)

ary 2 g PWTC dgn kengkwn2
laki puwn de
anan,farouq,pali n len2 ag
mmg syokk uhh g snee
ktewang nek ktm jew
mmg rmai r owg kt snee
sesakk beb !
nsb bek la kteowang x sesatt
tp sedeyhnyr sjap jew kteowg singgah
lps 2 ktewang g the store
melepakk je kteowg nie
mse time blk 2 nmpk la
kiutt glex swg mamat nie
smmgnyr aq knl dy
aq gelarkn dy "F"
dy knl aq tp dlm ms jew
dy x pasan aq tp dy mmg kiutt

Selasa, 16 Jun 2009

hmm da 2 weeks cty
now time 2 skool !!
but but
i'm still can't
wa kne chicken pox
wuargh !!
n n sedeyh bangatt

Khamis, 4 Jun 2009


hmm skunk musim cti yahuuuuu

tp aq wase busann lak

yla dok umah jew

x g mne2 pown

plan nk kuar dgn kengkwn tp dyowg sumenyr blk kmpong


Isnin, 1 Jun 2009

masalah member 'aduyaii'

Aq gelarkn dy L keyh..
dy nie bknnyr ape juz de mslh ttg aty
haii L pening aq taw pk en psl ko nie
aq nie da mcm dokter cnta lak
pe2 thax la coz ko trust me tuk mluahkn
dy nie glex sket sbb laki
sbb 2 ske kwn dgn dy
alwez hepy keyh!


hmm fuzly aq nk kte yg aq akn jrg update blog so u all kne tggu keyh!